The Complete Solution for Christian Artists...

to Help You Thrive Spiritually, Artistically and in Business while Confidently Pursuing Your Creative Calling.

When You Join Today

and Take Advantage of this Special Offer for Workshop Participants Only...

 You'll Get Access to the Created to Thrive Multimedia Library

So You Can Learn When It’s Convenient for You!

You'll start on your journey to becoming a Thriving Artist with our easy to follow, step by step training and support. 

We're with you and help you each step of the way in the members area where you have access to all our live trainings, unlimited access to all closed-captioned videos, MP3’s, downloads & printable worksheets. 

You'll know exactly how to get started and have step-by-step instructions for each step you take within Created To Thrive as you follow our simple success pathway. 

In just a few minutes from now you will be on your journey to becoming the Thriving Christian Artist you always dreamed about.

Become a Member Now!

...and You'll Be A Part of a Community of Christian Artists!

Forget the days of feeling like no one understands you or struggling to figure things out on your own. Whether it's marketing, technology, social media, or just needing a friend to pray through the deeper "heart stuff" that's so important, our community will be there to support you every step of the way!

Plus the Fast-Action Collection...

So You Can Get Started & Make Progress Quickly!

We understand that joining anything new can feel overwhelming and maybe a little daunting at first. 

Here at Created to Thrive, we want you to feel completely at home with everything we have for you. 

To help you get started quickly and see the success you deserve you'll have immediate access to our Fast Action Collection. 

The Fast Action Collection has been put together to help you move forward with your art, in your business AND as a Christian artist. 

It is a step by step roadmap for you to follow, at your pace, so you make progress quickly in the areas that are important to you. 

Included in the Fast Action Collection are:

  • Easy-to-Follow Checklists like:
    •  Building a Website, Starting Your Art Business, 90 Day Planning, Weekly Schedule, Pricing Your Art & more…
  •  Recommended Resources Catalog 
    • Including resources for reproductions, printers, software, website hosting, shows & exhibitions, legal and more.
  • Social Media Cheat Sheet
    • Links to step-by-step detailed instructions on how to navigate, use and leverage all major social media platforms.
  • QuickAccess Searchable Library & FAQ's
Get Started Fast! Join Now...

You Are Never On Your Own!

As believers, we know God is always there to guide us in our walk with Him and with our art. But He also created us to share life in community with others. We're not designed to do life alone!

We are here to help and guide you as you become the artist God created you to be.

As a member of Created To Thrive you get unlimited access to:

  • Private Created to Thrive Community where you'll feel supported and encouraged every step of the way. We believe no question is too basic and encourage you to ask any and all questions you may have on your artist journey. The Created To Thrive Community is here to help and support you every step of the way, this is your place to thrive!
  • Live Coaching & Connection where we'll dive deep together and quickly get you the answers you need. There's an old saying that says "To go fast go alone, but to go further go together".  And together we will help you get all the answers you may need on your new journey to becoming a Thriving Christian Artist. We've created an environment where you can succeed!
  • Behind the Scenes Spotlights where you can learn from the successes and challenges of other artists. Sometimes we can feel we are going through struggles alone and that no one understands. Hearing how others have struggled in the past and how they not only overcame their challenges but thrived as well, is a source of inspiration and motivation God uses in our life to grow. Remember, together we all go further.
Become a Member Now!

All New Members Receive These Bonus Items!

Art Sales Jumpstart!

Included in this step by step training are over 100 different strategies used by me and our other members that enable us to sell our art, and bring money into our business/life quickly. You have a talent given by God and you deserve to be paid for the joy you bring to the people who buy your work from you. In this training I help you choose the strategy that is right for you so you see success quickly.

Matt's eBook Bundle

Get all the popular books for Christian Artists from Matt Tommey that will help you accelerate your journey of transformation inside the mentoring program.

Boundaries Builder Bundle

Before you can take control of the time you have, you need to understand the root causes of why you don't currently have control of your time, energy and resources. This is not about "managing" your time. It IS about discovering how to create healthy boundaries for your life, relationships, art and business so you can thrive! 

New Yearly Members Also Get These Bonuses...

...and more!

Matt's Audiobook Library

On top of Matt's eBook Bundle, you'll also get the audiobook version of Matt's most requested books!

Social Media Cheat Sheet

Learn how to use Facebook, Instagram and Youtube so you can build your art business online including Selling on Platform, Going Live, Advertising and more!

Profit Pivot in the Pandemic!

10 strategies that are working right now for artists to sell art during this pandemic season, regardless of creative medium.

Video Sharing Pro-Tips!

One of the easiest ways to share your story and build connection online with your followers is with your smartphone. Get Matt's proven tips for stepping up your online video skills. 

Lifetime Members Get It All!

In addition to all of the bonus items mentioned above, our new Lifetime members also get this and more!

Develop Habits that Produce Results!

Learn to develop habits practiced by seasoned artists in a variety of creative mediums that produce meaningful results.

Artist Rise Up Masterclass Bundle

Learn what it takes to truly thrive as an Artist in the Kingdom with Lifetime Access and Updates to Matt's most requested Masterclass: Artist Rise UP!  

Thriving Christian Artists Conference Replay Library

Lifetime Members also get lifetime access to Matt's Thriving Christian Artist Conference replay library featuring, speakers, artists, and experts that are sure to encourage and equip you!

Get It All When You Sign Up for a Lifetime Membership

As a Member of Created to Thrive, you will:

  • Overcome self-sabotage and feelings of inadequacy by learning how to renew your mind according to God’s Word and reset your internal framework for living to one that aligns with God’s Kingdom.

  • Know God’s plan for your life and art so you can confidently pursue your Kingdom assignment without being dominated by doubt and fear.

  • Walk confidently in the marketplace so you can know your life and art is making a real difference in the lives of others.

  • Clearly hear God’s voice so you can respond in faith, not fear, to your Kingdom calling as an artist.

  • Create an easy-to-follow marketing plan for your art business that gets you in front of potential clients so you can focus on creating art.

  • Find clients to buy your artwork for top-dollar and cultivate relationships with them over time that results in sales and referrals.

  • Confidently price your artwork for wholesale and retail sales so that you’re actually making a profit.

  • And much, much more!

We Want to Invest in You... Personally!

We like to reward commitment. So when you purchase the yearly or the lifetime option, you'll receive a complimentary One-on-One Enrollment Call with one of our team members.  (Both options are also a way to save money big time!)

During this 30 minute Zoom call, we will personally help you get started in the program by giving you a complete overview of Created to Thrive, showing you exactly where to start, and even helping you get answers to your biggest questions about your art, spiritual or business life. It's truly a gamechanger.

Only available with a Yearly or Lifetime purchase.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We know The Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program is a transformative program for those who use it.

 Try us for a month and be thrilled and completely satisfied that I’ve delivered everything I promised & more or simply cancel and receive a full refund within your first 30 days. You can even keep all the bonuses I’ve mentioned today.

There's No Risk. Join Now!

I Care About You...

Not Just Your Art Sales.

  • I’ve Helped Thousands of Artists Around the World Discover God’s Plan for their Life and Art.
  • Taught Artists to Develop their Unique Artistic Voice and Create from a place of Spirit-led Connection.

  • Mentored Artists on How to Authentically Connect with Buyers and Sell Their Artwork for Top Dollar.​

  • Since 2009 as an Artist, Author, Speaker and Mentor voted one of Professional Artist Magazines "Best Art Mentors" in 2018.

Find out how these artists had major breakthroughs and started successfully selling art after joining Created to Thrive!


As a member, you'll also...

  • Understand how to photograph your artwork without expensive, complicated equipment so that you can share your artwork in a professional way with the world.

  • Cultivate your ideal schedule so you’re able to control your schedule based on your God-given priorities and the season you’re in.

  • Continually cultivate Spirit-led inspiration and imagination no matter what your creative medium so that you can overcome artist block.

  • Create art that carries God’s presence so your art releases the light and life of God into the lives of others.

  • Understand God’s supernatural plan for your finances and how provision flows in the Kingdom so that you can move past lack and into a place of divine abundance.

  • Embrace and develop your unique creative voice so you can grow in maturity, be authentically “you” and create work that is truly one-of-a-kind in the marketplace.

  • Focus your creative expression and limit your artistic palette in order to avoid artistic overwhelm while you develop maturity and uniqueness as an artist.

  • And much, much more!

Become a Member Now!

More stories of transformation from artists who said "Yes!" to Created to Thrive.

This could absolutely be your story. Why not?


Jan Tetsutani's Story...

Learn how this painter, instructor, and muralist pushed past her fear and self-sabotage to walk into her calling as a thriving full-time artist.


Rachel Painter's Story

After being rejected from art school and thinking her dream of being an artist might never come true, Rachel's live was transformed through the mentoring program.


One More Thing Before You Go...

Today could be the day EVERYTHING changes for you.

My friend, if we were able to sit down over a cup of coffee or tea and I could encourage you with one thought, it would be this:

Nothing is going to change in your life until you make the decision to change.

See, I've learned over the years, both in my own life and as I've been privileged to help thousands of artists around the world, that change begins in your life with one simple step. 100% of the time, that change has to do with you making an intentional decision to choose something different than what you've been currently doing. 

That was my story, it's the story of every artist I've ever seen move from struggling to really thriving in their life and my friend, it can be your story, too.

I hope by now, you realize I'm the real deal and Created to Thrive is the real deal, too. For me, this is a calling from the Lord and I can say, humbly, there's absolutely no other program like it anywhere in existence.  If you'll allow me, I'd love to help you become the thriving artist God designed you to be.

This is your story and you get to write the next chapter. You can absolutely do it on your own but if you'll give me the opportunity, I promise I'll give you the tools, encouragement and support you need.  Not only that, our whole community will stand with you as you start pursuing God's very best for your life. Join us and things will never be the same.

I hope you'll say "Yes!" today and become a part of Created to Thrive. 

Until then, many blessings, 


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers you might be wondering about as you consider joining.

The Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program is an incredible community of artists who all desire to thrive in their creative calling as artists in God's Kingdom! 

Features inside all levels of Membership including 24/7 Access to:

  • The Complete Multi-Media Training Library ($1400 value) 
  • Live Coaching & Connection ($3000 value)
  • Private Created to Thrive Community ($1200 value)
  • Behind the Scenes Spotlights ($1200 value)
  • Fast Action Collection ($1000 value)
  • Special Access to Members Only Live Events. (Exclusive)
  • Matt's eBook Library ($100 value)
  • Sell Your Art & Make Money Quick Idea Guide ($97 value)
  • Boundaries Builder Bundle ($47 Value) 
  • Over $7000 worth of value!

Annual Members also receive: 

  • Matt's Audiobook Library ($100 value)
  • The Thriving Christian Artist Starter Kit (Exclusive)
  • Social Media Technology Cheat Sheet ($47 Value) 
  • Matt's Standard Artist Assessment ($47 Value)
  • Pandemic Profit Pivot ($99 Value)
  • 8 Tips for Sharing on Video (Priceless)
  • A One-on-One Enrollment Call with one of our team members.

Lifetime Members get it all! Everything mentioned above PLUS...

  • Matt's In-Depth Artist Assessment ($100 value)
  • 29 Habits of Thriving Artists ($47 Value) 
  • Our Recommended Reading List (Priceless)
  • The Thriving Christian Artist Conference Library ($700 Value)
  • The Artist Rise Up Masterclass Bundle ($99 Value) 

Immediately after you join Created to Thrive here on this page, you'll receive a welcome email from [email protected]  as well as a couple of emails from our website giving you access to the program resources. Sometimes these go to SPAM, so make sure you look there and in your Promotions or Advertising area (Gmail, Yahoo) if you don't see the emails in your main inbox.

Of course if for some reason you don't see them, just email our team: [email protected] and we'll get you taken care of ASAP.

Once you're in the members website, there's step-by-step instructions in our Welcome and Pathway to Success Modules. You should start there.

The program is designed in 4 phases that are easily completed within 1 year.  However, many artist choose to extend their learning in a timeframe that works best for them.  There is no such thing as "getting behind" since you can complete the program at your own pace.

That's a common concern among artists who are starting Created to Thrive, but not to worry!

The program is designed so that you can walk through it at your own pace. We even have a success tracker built in the website so you know right where you are at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Even our weekly live Q&A sessions with Matt are archived, so you never have to miss anything whether you're on vacation or life just gets busy.

You're not alone! That's why we've designed Created to Thrive on a super-easy-to-use website. If you can log in to a website, follow the path we've laid out for you inside and click on a video, you're good!

And even if you get confused, we're here to help! Just email us at [email protected]  and we'll get you all the help you need.

That's the beauty of Created to Thrive! You can have as much personal interaction with other artists as you need! From our members discussion forum to our private Facebook group, monthly BizChat calls, monthly CommunityChat calls, Mastermind Weekend (once a year) and Matt's weekly Live Q&A, there's plenty of one-on-one interaction to help support you along your journey.

That's a very common concern, but let's bring this into perspective. $97/mo is around $3.12 per day... less than the cost of a latte. And over the course of a year, it's less than the price of a couple of pieces of very moderately priced artwork.

Do you believe that you could sell just 2 or 3 more pieces of artwork this year after completing the Created to Thrive Mentoring Program? That's absolutely possible and artists are doing it every day inside our community!

Are you willing to invest that money - $3.12/day - in yourself and your development as an artist?

If you're willing to invest, we're willing to link arms with you and do everything we can to make this year your breakthrough year.

You see, the things that you invest in are typically the things you value and give focus to in your life. If you really want to see this next year be YOUR breakthrough year, then investing in Created to Thrive is a smart move. 

Hundreds of artists are members and testimony after testimony proves that this program helps you get real results, real fast while being worth every penny and much, much more.

Just for perspective, many "artist mentoring" programs start at over $2000+ a year, don't have near the resources Created to Thrive includes and offers little live interaction with the mentor unless you pay an additional fee. You get everything in our program for just $97/mo.

That can be a common question for folks who've never really invested in themselves before. 

In fact, it really goes back to the question, "What will I get out of this if I do join? What's the benefit? and Does the benefit outweigh the investment."

This for just a moment about what I call "Membership Math". Let's really do the calculations:

$97/mo is $3.12/day. Is that worth investing in your calling as an artist?

Also, if you consider the average cost for an original piece of art from an emerging artist is in the $500-$600 range, just think... if you learn 1 thing - JUST ONE THING - in a whole year of mentoring that allows you to sell just 2 more pieces a year, you've more than paid for your membership. That's a no brainer.

We know The Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program is a transformative program for those who use it.

Try us for a month and be thrilled and completely satisfied that I’ve delivered everything I promised & more or simply cancel and receive a full refund within your first 30 Days. You can even keep all the bonuses I’ve mentioned today.

Created to Thrive is primarily a community of visual artists, although we have many performing artists and writers who are members. In the program, we teach concepts about artistic, spiritual and business development in the context of the visual arts. However, most of these concepts can be applied to artists in any genre. All creatives who want to grow in their art, business and spiritual life are welcome to become members.


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